Cometary Science Newsletter

September 2024
Michael S. P. Kelley (

Graduate student position in cometary science at the TU Braunschweig (Germany)

The Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics at the TU Braunschweig is seeking to fill a three-year researcher position (75% part-time, suitable to work towards obtaining a PhD degree) in cometary science. The successful applicant will analyse data from ESA's Rosetta mission to study the emission and dynamics of decimetre-sized debris from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Details of the position can be found here:

ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science

We are pleased to inform you about the opening of the call for the European Space Agency's Research Fellowships in Space Science. The call is expected to open on 26 August 2024 with an application deadline on 16 September 2024.

ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme offers early-career scientists and engineers the possibility to carry out research in a variety of disciplines related to space science, space applications or space technology. Research Fellowships in Space Science specifically offer the opportunity to contribute to ESA's endeavour to explore our Solar System and the Universe, and cover the fields of heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics and fundamental physics.

The research fellowships offer unique insights into ESA's environment and activities while conducting cutting-edge research. Mentoring and training opportunities are available, as are possibilities to engage with ESA science-related activities (e.g., archives, data science and machine learning, operations, calibration, communication, citizen science). More information on the Research Fellowship programme and on how to apply can be found at The expected deadline for applications is 16 September 2024. Applicants are strongly encouraged to check the position on ESA’s vacancy website (

ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme

To increase the scientific return from its space science missions, the European Space Agency (ESA) welcomes applications from scientists interested in pursuing research projects based on data publicly available in the ESA Space Science Archives (

The ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme is open to scientists, at all career levels, affiliated with institutes in ESA Member States and Collaborating States, although we will also consider strong applications from outside those states. Early-career scientists (within 10 years of the PhD) and PhD students are particularly encouraged to apply. We encourage applications from women and minorities. The peer-review evaluation process is anonymised to ensure equal opportunities for all applicants.

During their stay, visiting scientists will have access to archives and mission specialists for help with the retrieval, calibration, and analysis of archival data. In principle, all areas of space research covered by ESA science missions can be supported.

Residence lasts typically between one and three months, also distributed over multiple visits. Research projects can be carried out at ESAC (Madrid, Spain) and at ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands). To offset the expenses incurred by visitors, ESA covers travel costs from and to the home institution and provides support for lodging expenses and meals.

Applications received before 1 November 2024 will be considered for visits in spring and summer 2025.

For further details, including areas of research and contact information, please refer to or write to the programme coordinators at